Kit Prakkamakul (ToughTootinBaby)

19 53%
Country:United Kingdom Registered:28 Feb 2024 Matches played:19 Win ratio:53% Tournaments attended:5 Avg. Ranking:6.4

Tournaments participated in

When Name Status Played faction Placement
Sep 7
Worldcry UK Presents: Proving Ground - Tabletop Scotland Finished Slaves to Darkness 6th
Sep 5
1 YEAR ANNIVESARY TTS COMP LEAGUE In progress Slaves to Darkness --
Aug 10
Worldcry UK Presents: The Eight Trials - Edinburgh Finished Slaves to Darkness 4th
May 2
MAY TTS COMPETITIVE Finished Ydrilan Riverblades 16th
Apr 4
April TTS League Competitive Finished Slaves to Darkness 1st
Mar 1
March 2024 Competitive League Finished Slaves to Darkness 5th