Dan Herrera

23 52%
Country:-- Registered:30 Dec 2023 Matches played:23 Win ratio:52% Tournaments attended:6 Avg. Ranking:9.0

Organised tournaments

When Name Number of Players Location Format Status
Sep 14
Shipwreck Shellibration 16 / 32 United States Swiss Finished
Jun 15
A New Moon Rises 10 / 32 United States Swiss Finished
Apr 27
House Divided - Comp 2 / 20 United States Swiss Unstarted

Tournaments participated in

When Name Status Played faction Placement
Sep 14
Shipwreck Shellibration Finished Kharadron Overlords 8th
Sep 5
1 YEAR ANNIVESARY TTS COMP LEAGUE In progress Kharadron Overlords --
Aug 8
August TTS Competitive League Finished Lumineth Realm-lords 13th
Jun 15
A New Moon Rises Finished Blades of Khorne: Bloodbound 7th
Apr 27
House Divided - Comp Unstarted -- --
Mar 21
Adepticon champs Finished Scions of the Flame 13th
Mar 1
March 2024 Competitive League Finished Scions of the Flame 12th
Feb 17
A Storm of Magic Finished Maggotkin of Nurgle: Daemons 1st