
12 67%
Country:-- Registered:30 Dec 2023 Matches played:12 Win ratio:67% Tournaments attended:3 Avg. Ranking:5.33

Organised tournaments

When Name Number of Players Location Format Status
Nov 2
Dead men tell no tales: a Warcry narrative tournament 0 / 20 Spain Swiss Unstarted
Sep 28
I GT Madrid 20 / 32 Spain Swiss Unstarted
May 10
I liga Warcry Kindom Wargames 10 / 20 Spain Swiss Finished
Apr 7
The Lost City: Talaxis 10 / 12 Spain Swiss Finished

Tournaments participated in

When Name Status Played faction Placement
Sep 5
1 YEAR ANNIVESARY TTS COMP LEAGUE In progress Vulkyn Flameseekers --
May 25
EDETANORUM CLASH!!! : GT WARCRY Finished Royal Beastflayers 8th
May 10
I liga Warcry Kindom Wargames Finished Seraphon 5th
Apr 7
The Lost City: Talaxis Finished Vulkyn Flameseekers 3rd