• Battle plan: Deadly Encounter

A vicious battle for resources erupts in the swamplands surrounding Talaxis as two hungry warbands descend on some essential supplies.

Before the battle, 4 objectives are placed on a platform or the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. At the end of each battle round, the players score 1 victory point for holding 1 or more objectives, 1 victory point for holding more objectives than the other player and 1 victory point for holding 2 or more objectives. The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.

Sidequest: Might Makes Right: When determining control of an objective, each player must pick one friendly fighter within 3" of that objective (if any). Of those fighters, if one fighter has a higher Wounds characteristic, that fighter counts as 1 additional fighter for the purposes of determining control of that objective.

Twist: This battleplan has no twist. You could add a twist from the Hunter and Hunted book to represent battling around the Scales of Talaxis.