• Battle plan: Plant a Flag

The Gnarlwood contains vast stretches of uncharted wilderness, leading eager warbands to try and stake their claim. The poor fools are so often unaware that other, equally determined warriors are striving to do the same.

Before the battle, place 5 objectives on the battlefield floor as shown in the deployment map. All objectives are considered DORMANT. Players cannot be considered as controlling an objective if it is Dormant.

A fighter within 1" of a DORMANT objective can spend an action to PLANT A FLAG, activating the objective (it is now considered ACTIVE and no longer considered Dormant). A player gets 1 victory point whenever one of their fighters PLANTS A FLAG.

At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for each ACTIVE objective they control.

The battle ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most victory points wins.