• Battle plan: Graveyard of Heroes

In parts of the gnarlwood tainted by chaos, the boughs begin to hunger for the blood of great heroes. Warbands who give it to them find that the forest rewards those who feed its hunger.

Before the battle, 6 objectives are placed on the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. At the end of each battle round, players score 2 victory points for each of the following that is true:

- You hold 2 or more objectives.
- You hold 3 or more objectives.
- You hold more objectives than your opponent.

At the end of each battle round, score X victory points if an enemy leader, hero, thrall, monster, or ally was taken down in that battle round. Subtract the battle round number from 6 to determine X.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.