• Battle for round 3, table 2

Blacktalons Jason Fry Win Victory points: 10 Kill points: 0
Nurgle: Daemons Jessica Denny Loss Victory points: 8 Kill points: 0
Round:3 Table:2 Tournament:Warcry The Ferocious Gnarlwood II Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Mystic Glade

A glade brimming with arcane potential. Who better than you to drain it of its mystical powers to further your ambitions?

Primary: At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for each of the following that is true:
- They control any objective.
- They control two or more objectives.
- They control more objectives than
their opponent.

Fighters cannot control more than one objective at a time in this battleplan. If a fighter is within
3” of multiple objectives, starting with the player that took the first activation that battle round, players decide which objectives all of such friendly fighters are controlling.

Secondary: Might Makes Right: The first time an attack action made by a fighter within 3”
of the target takes an enemy fighter down in
a battle round, that fighter is bloodgifted for the rest of the battle round. After determining control of objectives in the same battle round, if a bloodgifted fighter is within 1” of an objective their controlling player controls, that player scores 2 victory points.

Twist; Pulsing Power: Before the initiative phase each battle round, if one player has fewer victory points, that player gains a number of wild dice equal to the difference in victory points between those players. Those additional wild dice are discarded after that initiative phase.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.