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Battle for round 3, table 1
Battle plan: Rising Dread
Before the battle, 4 objectives are placed on the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. At the end of each battle round, players score a number of victory points equal to the number of the current battle round for each objective shown on the deployment map that they control.
After the 2nd battle round, the players place a treasure token in the center of the battlefield. Then they roll of, the player that loses the roll places a treasure token within 3" of the first treasure token. Then the player who won places a treasure within 3" of either treasure token. At the end of the battle, each player scores 2 points for each treasure they control.
The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw. If the margin of victory was less than 6, the result is a minor win/loss. If the margin of victory was 6 or greatre, the result is a major win/loss.