• Battle for round 1, table 7

Slaves to Darkness Wombat Loss Victory points: 7 Kill points: 0
Ogor Mawtribes Ziggy Stardust Win Victory points: 11 Kill points: 0
Round:1 Table:7 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:Bash of the Titans

Battle plan: Mightier makes Rightier

We're starting the festival of with a big ol' BASH! Control your objectives, take theirs, smash their faces and WIN!

Place one objective in the center of the battlefield. Then, starting with the player who won initiative, players alternate placing objectives until they have each placed two. Objectives may be placed on the battlefield floor, or on a platform. Objectives must be placed within 7" of the center objective , and at least 6" horizontally from all other objectives.


At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for controlling one objective, and 1 more victory point for controlling more objectives than your opponent.

In addition, whenever a fighter takes down another fighter while both are contesting an objective, that fighter's controller scores 1 victory point.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. Most points win.