• Battle for round 4, table 6

Ogor Mawtribes Glenn Davison Loss Victory points: 9 Kill points: 260
Order of Azyr Ben Rubery Win Victory points: 15 Kill points: 325
Round:4 Table:6 Tournament:Warcry The Tangled Gnarlwood III Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Lightning Raid

Battle erupts over scant resources, some more valuable than others.

Primary: At the end of each battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for each of the following that is true:
- They control any objective.
- They control two or more objectives.
- They control more objectives than their opponent.

Fighters cannot control more than one objective at a time in this battleplan. If a fighter is within 3” of multiple objectives, starting with the player that took the first activation that battle round, players decide which objectives all of such friendly fighters are controlling.

Secondary: Devastate their Ranks: At the end of each battle round, each player determines the total Wounds characteristic of enemy fighters that are taken down this battle. This is their devastation total. The player whose devastation total is higher scores 2 victory points.

Twist; Glittering Hoard: After the initiative phase each battle round, if one player has fewer victory points, that player picks an objective. The player that controls that objective at the end of that battle round scores 1 additional victory point.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.