• Battle for round 5, table 8

Khorne: Bloodbound Iñigo Alberola López Victory points: 10 Kill points: 600
vs Draw
The Unmade Paula Victory points: 10 Kill points: 445
Round:5 Table:8 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:I GT Madrid

Battle plan: Swamp Raid

Two hunting expeditions catch sight of each other in the early light of a new day, while mists still cover the ground. Each races to secure vital supplies while stealing what they can from enemy hands.

Before the battle, 4 objectives are placed on a platform or the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. At the end of each battle round, the players score 1 victory point for holding 1 or more objectives, 1 victory point for holding more objectives than the other player and 1 victory point for holding 2 or more objectives. The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.

Sidequest: Raiding Supplies: At the end of each battle round, score 3 victory points if your warband controls an objective your opponent controlled at the start of that battle round.

Twist: This battleplan has no twist. You could add a twist from the Hunter and Hunted book to represent battling around the Scales of Talaxis.