• Battle for round 2, table 7

Slaanesh: Sybarites Benjamin Loss Quest completed: no Kill points: 650 Victory points: 1
Corvus Cabal Edward Win Quest completed: yes Kill points: 640 Victory points: 2
Round:2 Table:7 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:Southampton Warcry Club Presents: Storm in the South

Battle plan: A Frantic Search

A fighter that is touching terrain (being on top of, or within 1" of terrain) may spend an action to search for treasure. If they do so, roll a D6 and add 2 to the roll if the bottom of that fighter's base is at least 2" above the battlefield. On a 5+, that fighter discovers a treasure of Talaxis, and is now Carrying TREASURE. Once 6 pieces of treasure have been found, fighters can no longer search for more.

At the end of a fighter's activation allocate D3 damage points to that fighter if they are carrying treasure.

At the end of the 4th battle round, whichever player is carrying more treasures wins the battle. If the players are carrying the same number of treasures, the battle is a draw.