• Battle for round 3, table 3

Teratic Cohort Great White Nope Minor loss Victory points: 2 Kill points: 0
Ironjawz Andrew Klimas Minor win Victory points: 47 Kill points: 0
Round:3 Table:3 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:3H1C Warcry at Warhammer!

Battle plan: Strike or Defend

Set up 3 objectives on the battlefield floor as shown on the map. Each player treats the objective that is the same color as their deployment points as their home objective. the center objective is a neutral objective.

At the end of each battle round, players score 1 victory point (VP) for controlling their home objective, 3 VP for the neutral objective and 5 VP for opposing player's home objective.

Additionally, players score 1 VP each time one of their fighters takes down an enemy fighter that is contesting the same objective.

When the battle ends after 4 battle rounds, the player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.