• Battle for round 1, table 3

Flesh-eater Courts Jingle Major win Victory points: 4
Iron Golems Jacob Flower Major loss Victory points: 3
Round:1 Table:3 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:Hollowgrove Warcry 2024

Battle plan: Bloody Hollow

At the start of each combat phase, starting with the player who won initiative, each player picks one enemy fighter on the battlefield to be a HUNTED fighter. The chosen fighters remain HUNTED for the duration of the battle.

A player scores 1 victory point whenever an enemy HUNTED fighter is taken down. If that fighter has the hero, ally, or thrall runemark, instead that player scores 2 victory points. If that fighter had or was tied for the highest wounds characteristic of all fighters on the battlefield, instead that player scores 3 victory points.

At the end of each battle round, allocate D6 damage points to each HUNTED fighter within 4” of the board edge.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins.