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Battle for round 3, table 4
Battle plan: Trick-or-Treat

Before the battle, 3 objectives are placed on the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. A fighter within 1" of an objective can TRICK-OR-TREAT at that objective as an action. If they do, that fighter is now carrying treasure. If a fighter that cannot carry treasure TRICK-OR-TREATS at an objective, that fighter immediately drops that treasure as a bonus action. Treasures in this mission can otherwise only be dropped when the fighter carrying it is taken down.
The central objective can be trick-or-treated at 3 times before it runs out of candy and can no longer be trick-or-treated at for the remainder of the battle. The other 2 objectives may be trick-or-treated at 2 times each before they run out of candy.
The battle ends after 4 rounds. At the end of the 4th battle round, each player scores 1 victory point for each treasure their fighters are carrying. The player with the most victory points wins.