• Battle for round 4, table 5

Skaven Dan Herrera Reckless Points: 28
vs Draw
Skaven Andy Reckless Points: 0
Round:4 Table:5 Tournament:TTS October COMP Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Dragon's Hoard

Place 9 Treasures near the center of the battlefield, as shown on the map.

Primary - The Allure of Gold: At the end of battle rounds 1, 2, and 3, score 1 point for each treasure you control.

Secondary - Secure the Treasure: At the end of the 4th battle round, score 3 points for each treasure you control.

The battle ends after 4 rounds. If the margin of victory is 5 or less, the game is a minor win/loss. If the margin of vicotry is 6 or greater, the game is a major win/loss.