• Battle for round 1, table 3

Sylvaneth Bazukinier Win Victory points: 13 Kill points: 0
Gloomspite Gitz Daniel Bayer Loss Victory points: 2 Kill points: 0
Round:1 Table:3 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:TTS NOVEMBER COMP

Battle plan: Gifts from the Gods

Two warbands battle as the gods watch on, eager to help their side win, for the treasures hidden within the Scales of Talaxis are well worth the divine investments.

Before the battle, 3 objectives are placed on a platform or the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map. At the end of each battle round, the players score 1 victory point for holding 1 or more objectives, 1 victory point for holding more objectives than the other player and 1 victory point for holding 2 or more objectives. The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. The player with the most victory points wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.

Sidequest: Divine Gift: Starting from battle round 2, at the end of each battle round, after both players have scored victory points, the player with the fewest victory points can pick 1 friendly fighter within 3" of the centre of the battlefield who is not carrying treasure. That fighter is now carrying treasure. If that fighter cannot carry treasure, they drop that treasure (see pg 75 of the Core Book). At the end of the battle, the players score 1 victory point for each friendly fighter who is carrying treasure.

Twist: This battleplan has no twist. You could add a twist from the Hunter and Hunted book to represent battling around the Scales of Talaxis.