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Battle for round 1, table 2
Battle plan: Drawn and Quartered

Well wouldya look at all that land fer the takin’... Could make a mighty fine place for a homestead ‘round here! ‘Cept for all them other brigands runnin’ round. Let’s clear’em out and call this place our own!
After determining attacker/defender, before deployment, the players roll off. The winner chooses a quarter of the battle field to be BOUNTIFUL. At the end of the first battle round, the player who lost the roll, chooses clockwise or counterclockwise. At the beginning of each of the next rounds, the BOUNTIFUL quarter rotates to be the next quarter in the chosen direction.
CONTROL QUARTERS- At the end of each round, each player scores:
1 VP for each quarter of the battle field that has more friendly fighters than enemy fighters wholly within it
1 Additional VP if the BOUNTIFUL quarter has more friendly fighters than enemy fighters wholly within it.
TAKE DOWN FIGHTERS- At the end of each round, each player scores 1 VP for each quarter of the battle field in which they took down an enemy fighter that was wholly within that quarter.
The battle ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most VP is the winner. If the margin of victory is greater than 5 points, the result is a Major Win/Major Loss. If fewer than 5 the result is a Minor Win/Minor Loss. A tied score results in a Draw.