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Battle for round 2, table 2
Battle plan: Bandit's Bounty

What in Tarnation?! More desperados! And this time they’re pilferin’ all our stuff! Go teach’em not to mess with us! Oh, and make sure ya get our stuff back!
After deployment in the 1st battle Round the players roll off. The player with the highest roll picks 2 fighters in their opponents warband to be the RUSTLERS. Both fighters must be on the battlefield. The other player then does the same. All RUSTLERS are now carrying treasure. If a monster or a beast is picked as a RUSTLER, that fighter immediately drops the treasure.
If a fighter carrying treasure ends a battle round within 4” of a battle edge, they are bitten by bloodflies and take d6 wounds.
HOLD TREASURE - At the end of each battle round, players score 1 VP for each friendly model carrying a treasure.
TAKE DOWN RUSTLERS - Whenever a RUSTLER is taken down, the opposing player scores 1 VP, even if that model is no longer carrying treasure.
The battle ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most VP is the winner. If the margin of victory is greater than 3 VP, the result is a Major Win/Major Loss. If fewer than 3 VP the result is a Minor Win/Minor Loss. A tied score results in a Draw.