• Battle for round 3, table 2

Iron Golems Joe Alexander Major win Point Differential (points scored - points scored against): 12
Hunters of Huanchi Zac Laundrie Major loss Point Differential (points scored - points scored against): -12
Round:3 Table:2 Tournament:Madcry 1: Tussle in the Ol Gnarlwood Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Showdown at High Noon

Well, well, well, now ain’t this something’. Sun’s high in the sky and there’s all sorts of folk wantin’ trouble. Try and take down as many as ya can, but hold yer ground! Don’t let’em out maneuver ya!

Before the battle, place 8 objective markers on the battlefield floor or a platform as shown on the deployment map.

CONTROL OBJECTIVES - At the end of each round, players score 1 VP for each objective they control.

TAKE DOWN FIGHTERS - At the end of each battle round, each player totals the point values of enemy fighters taken down during that turn. The player with the higher total scores an additional VP for each objective they control that round.

The battle ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most VP is the winner. If the margin of victory is greater than 3 VP, the result is a Major Win/Major Loss. If fewer than 3 VP the result is a Minor Win/Minor Loss. A tied score results in a Draw.

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