• Battle for round 4, table 6

Vulkyn Flameseekers Josh Arrington Minor loss Point Differential (points scored - points scored against): -1
Seraphon HellblazerPrime Minor win Point Differential (points scored - points scored against): 1
Round:4 Table:6 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:Madcry 1: Tussle in the Ol Gnarlwood

Battle plan: Headin' on Home

That dustup done ruined just about everything worth stickin’ ‘round for. Might as well head home ‘afore the big nasties start comin’ out to feed. Might be worth usin’ some of them stragglers over yonder as bait to help make the getaway

Before the battle, place 4 tokens on the battlefield floor or a platform as shown on the deployment map. For each player, the 2 tokens furthest away from their Shield Deployment Group are considered HOMEBOUND WAGONS.

A fighter may not be within 2” of the center of a token that is not their HOMEBOUND WAGON.

RUN AWAY - Each time a friendly fighter ends a move or disengage action within 1” of the center of a HOMEBOUND WAGON, that player may remove that fighter from the battlefield and score 3 VP.

TAKE DOWN FIGHTERS - Each time an enemy fighter is taken down, score 2 VP.

The battle ends after 4 rounds. The player with the most VP is the winner. If the margin of victory is greater than 5 VP, the result is a Major Win/Major Loss. If fewer than 5 VP the result is a Minor Win/Minor Loss. A tied score results in a Draw.