• Battle for round 1, table 3

Splintered Fang Great White Nope Win Victory points: 10 Kill points: 325
Khorne: Bloodbound Fernando Loss Victory points: 4 Kill points: 545
Round:1 Table:3 Tournament:THE SALTY SEA AND 3H1C PRESENT A VERY MERRY WARCRY TTSMAS Krampus Style. Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Krampus's Wild Hunt

Players score 3 points for taking down an Icefall Yhetee, and 2 points for taking down a Gnarlwood Howla. Players also score 1 point when they take down the opponent's leader.

At the beginning of the combat phase of each battle round, if any fighters are within 6" of a Deadly Beast, that Deadly Beast Moves and Attacks the weakest fighter within 6". The weakest fighter is determined to be the fighter with the lowest points cost. If two or more fighters are tied for lowest points cost, roll to determine which one is attacked. If the Deadly Beast is in engagement range of a fighter, it is considered Cornered. A Cornered deadly beast uses two attack actions against the strongest fighter it is engaged with, as determined by points cost.