• Battle for round 1, table 4

Splintered Fang Łukasz 4 Victory points: 4 Kill points: 480
Jade Obelisk Mateusz Górecki 2 Victory points: 2 Kill points: 580
Round:1 Table:4 Tournament:Merry Bespoke Warcry Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Artifacts - Artifacts of Pain (Mark of Chaos 2024)

Place treasure tokens on the battlefield floor according to the deployment map. At the end of the game, players score 2 victory points for each fighter carrying treasure. If the victory margin is lower than 3 victory points, it's a minor victory. Game lasts 4 rounds.

1-2 Artifacts of Pain– Fighters carrying treasure have Toughness characteristic decreased by 2 and can’t use abilities. 3-4 Looting Artifacts– Replace treasure toke