• Battle for round 3, table 4

Wildercorps Hunters Tomasz Pulsakowski 1 Victory points: 6 Kill points: 360
Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz Red 5 Victory points: 13 Kill points: 780
Round:3 Table:4 Tournament:Merry Bespoke Warcry Status:Locked for editing

Battle plan: Champions - Unexpected Champions (Mark of Chaos 2024)

At the start of each combat phase, starting with the player that has initiative, each player picks 1 fighter in their warband that is on the battlefield and was not picked in any of the previous rounds. That fighter is referred to as CHAMPION until the end of the game. Whenever a fighter takes down another fighter, that fighter's controller scores 1 victory point. That player scores additional victory point if the fighter taken down was an enemy CHAMPION and additional victory point if the kill happened during activation of CHAMPION. If the victory margin is lower than 3 victory points, it's a minor victory. Game lasts 4 rounds.

1-2 Unexpected Champions– Both players select CHAMPIONS from opposing warband instead.