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Battle for round 2, table 1
Battle plan: Treasure Thieves

At the beginning of the 1st battle round, after initiative has been determined, they player who acts first picks two fighters on the battlefield in their opponents war band to be thieves. Then the other player then does the same. Thieves start the battle carrying treasure. If a fighter with the Beast runemark is picked, that fighter immediately drops the treasure. Thieves remain thieves until they die. Fighters cannot use actions to drop treasure.
If a fighter carrying treasure ends the battle round within 4'' of a battlefield edge, they take d6 damage.
At the end of each battle round, players score 1 Victory Point (VP) for each treasure carried by their warband. Additionally, whenever a thief is taken down, the opposing player scores 1 VP.
When the battle ends after 4 battle rounds, the player with the most VP wins the battle. Any other result is a draw.