• Battle for round 2, table 9

Skaven mason Win Victory points: 23 Kill points: 0
Ogor Mawtribes Captain Awful Loss Victory points: 15 Kill points: 0
Round:2 Table:9 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:February TTS League COMP

Battle plan: Abundance of Riches

Place 7 treasure tokens on the battlefield floor as shown on the map. The battle ends after 4 rounds. After 4 rounds, the player with the most Victory Points (VP) is the winner

- At the end of battle rounds 1-3 players score 1 VP for each fighter carrying treasure
- At the end of battle round 4 players score 3 VP for each fighter carrying treasure

The Weight of Wealth: While fighters are carrying treasure, they cannot have their movement characteristic modified (e.g. they suffer no -2 movement penalty from carrying treasure, they do not benefit from abilities like Rush, etc.)