• Battle for round 3, table 8

Spire Tyrants Bazukinier Victory points: 10 Kill points: 560
vs Draw
Cities of Sigmar: Dispossessed Grumpy Guard Victory points: 10 Kill points: 440
Round:3 Table:8 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:February TTS League COMP

Battle plan: Legends of the Ordinary

Place 3 objectives on the battle field floor as shown on the map. As the start of the first combat phase, the attacker selects 2 fighters from the opponents warband to become SUBDUED, then the defender does the same. The battle ends after 4 rounds. After 4 rounds, the player with the most Victory Points (VP) is the winner.

- At the end of each battle round players score 1 VP for each objective they control.
- Whenever an enemy fighter is taken down, players score 1 VP

Weakest Link:
- SUBDUED fighters instead score 0 VP when they take down an enemy fighter.
- When an enemy SUBDUED fighter is taken down, players score 2 VP instead of the usual 1 VP (unless the enemy SUBDUED fighter was taken down by a friendly SUBDUED fighter, which still gives 0 VP)


Q: Does a SUBDUED fighter that has been resurrected give another 2 VP if it is taken down again?
A: Yes

Q: Can a fighter that is in reserve be chosen as a SUBDUED fighter?
A: Yes