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Battle for round 4, table 13
Battle plan: Passage Home

Place 4 Realmgate tokens on the battlefield as shown on the map, as if they were objectives. For each player, the 2 Realmgates farthest from their Shield Deployment group are considered a Passage Home.
A model may not deploy or end a move within 2" of a Realmgate that is not their Passage Home
Each time a fighter ends a move action within 1" of a Passage Home, remove that fighter from the battlefield, and the player controlling that fighter scores 3 points. Each time a player takes down an opposing fighter, that player scores 2 points.
The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. Player with most Victory Points is the winner. Equal number of points results in a tie. If the difference in Victory
Points is less then 5, then it’s minor loss, otherwise it’s a loss.