• Alvaro Valdebenito

Alvaro Valdebenito

12 33%
Name:Alvaro Valdebenito Faction:Cities of Sigmar: Dispossessed Tournament:SUMMERCRY


Dwarfs 💕 Hammers
950 + 50 points | 8 fighters

Hammer 🔨: 450 points
- 2x Swift Annihilator-Prime with Grandhammer: 200 + 25 points, Move +1, Ally

Shield 🛡️: 305 points
- Warden King: 145, Leader
- 2x Longbeard with Shield: 80 points, Ironbreaker proxy

Dagger 🗡️: 245 points
- Hammerer: 85 points
- 2x Longbeard with Shield: 80 points


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