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Andy Morris
Warband Roster
985pts | 8 fighters
- Packmaster (70pts)
- Kreep Kinwhisper (75pts)
- Rat Ogor (240pts)
- Skabbik Plagueseeker (160pts, Hero)
- Rat Ogor With Warpfire Gun (230pts)
- Clanrat with Rusty Blade (70pts)
- Clanrat with Rusty Blade (70pts)
- Skritter (70pts)
Blessings: +1S on Skabbick (+15pts)
Battle trait:
There are Always More: At the end of the battle rounds 2 and 3, you can pick a friendly fighter with this battle trait that is taken down and has a points cost of 70 or less. At the start of the next battle round, you can place that fighter on a platform or on the battlefield floor, more than 6” from each enemy fighter, objective and treasure token, and within 3” of one or more battlefield edges