• William Zantour

Name:William Zantour Faction:Cities of Sigmar: Castelite Hosts Tournament:Warcry: The Ferocious Gnarlwood


Warband Roster
1000 pts | 7 fighters

- Akhelian King with Bladed Polearm (305pts, Hero+ 1 first dammage) +30 pts
- Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk (245pts, Hero)
- Errant-Questor with Grandhammer (165pts, Hero blessing +1 Moov) +15 pts
- Freeguild Steelhelm (60pts)
- Freeguild Steelhelm (60pts)
- Freeguild Steelhelm (60pts)
- Freeguild Command Corps War Surgeon (60pts)
Generated on Warcrier.net
