• Julian Piriz Calvo

Julian Piriz Calvo

11 64%
Name:Julian Piriz Calvo Faction:Darkoath Savagers Tournament:The Lost City: Talaxis


Warband Roster
1000pts | 8 fighters

- Slaughterborn with Greatblade (180pts, Hero) dagger
- Slaughterborn with Greataxe (180pts, Hero) shield
- Ogroid Myrmidon (265pts, Ally) shield
- God-speaker (105pts) shield
- Gloryseeker with Paired Weapons (70pts) dagger
- Gloryseeker with Paired Weapons (70pts)hammer
- Gloryseeker with Greataxe (65pts) dagger
- Gloryseeker with Greataxe (65pts) hammer
