• Battle plan: Uncover the Veins

Well they said there was supposed to be Emberstone around here somewhere… search around til you find some so we can start digging!

Before the battle, 5 objectives are placed on the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map.

During the battle, objectives are either dormant or awakened. At the start of the battle, only the central objective is awakened; the rest are dormant. DORMANT OBJECTIVES CANNOT BE CAPTURED.

At the beginning of the combat phase in round 1, the players roll off. The winner MAY choose an objective to become awakened. At the beginning of the combat phase in rounds 2, 3, and 4, if one player has fewer points than their opponent, they MAY select an objective to become awakened.

CONTROL OBJECTIVES: At the end of each round each player scores 1 VP for each objective they control.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. When the battle ends, the player with the most victory points wins the battle. If the margin of victory is 3 or more VP, the result is a Major Win/ Loss. If it is fewer than 3, the result is a Minor Win/Loss. A tied score results in a draw.