• Battle plan: Paranoid Vendetta

It’s all becoming a blur… the Emberstone is so powerful, but… it has changed you. You feel the paranoia start to set in the longer you hold the precious stone. They are coming for you… NO ONE IS GOING TO TAKE IT FROM YOU!

At the beginning of the Combat phase in the first battle round, starting with the player who has initiative, each player chooses 2 enemy fighters to be a CONSPIRATOR.

Each time a fighter is taken down by an enemy attack action, reaction, or ability, that enemy fighter becomes a CONSPIRATOR.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds.

TAKE DOWN ENEMY CONSPIRATORS: At the end of the battle, each player scores 1 VP for each enemy CONSPIRATOR that has been taken down. Each player then loses 1 VP for each enemy CONSPIRATOR that has not been taken down.

When the battle ends, the player with the most victory points wins the battle. If the margin of victory is 3 or more VP, the result is a Major Win/ Loss. If it is fewer than 3, the result is a Minor Win/Loss. A tied score is a draw.