• Battle for round 1, table 5

Cities of Sigmar: Castelite Hosts BigboiNoah Win Quest completed: no
Scions of the Flame MC Loss Quest completed: no
Round:1 Table:5 Status:Locked for editing Tournament:Copenhagen Commotion 2 - The Varanmaw Expedition

Battle plan: Gnarlwood Outskirts

Somewhere in this region lies the scattered remains of a previously failed expedition. It contains clues that can help you pursue your quest. Defeat your opponent and stake your claim.

Before the battle, 3 objectives are placed on the battlefield floor as shown on the deployment map.
At the end of the first battle round, the players roll off.

The winner picks 1 objective and removes it from play. At the end of the second battle round, the opposing player does the same.

The battle ends after 4 battle rounds. When the battle
ends, the player who controls the remaining objective wins the battle.

In addition at the end of the battle, if one player has more fighters vertically 3” or more above the battlefield floor, than their opponent, they score +1 point.