‹ Xelcir Xelcir Matches 4 Win ratio 38% Name:Xelcir Faction:Gloomspite Gitz Tournament:April TTS CASUAL League
Battles Round 1 - Lightning Raid Gloomspite Gitz Xelcir Round 1 - Lightning Raid vs Draw Darkoath Savagers Lhouss Draw Round 2 Gloomspite Gitz Xelcir Round 2 vs Draw Untamed Beasts Heskro Draw Round 3 - Mystic Glade Nighthaunt Arkatme Round 3 - Mystic Glade vs Draw Gloomspite Gitz Xelcir Draw Round 4 - A Tithe of Blades Gloomspite Gitz Xelcir Round 4 - A Tithe of Blades vs Unfinished Lumineth Realm-lords Zac Laundrie Unfinished