Phylax (Dimitrios)

14 21%
Country:Greece Registered:31 Mar 2024 Matches played:14 Win ratio:21% Tournaments attended:4 Avg. Ranking:13.25 Discord:Phylax

Organised tournaments

When Name Number of Players Location Format Status
Sep 7
Worldcry UK Presents: Proving Ground - Tabletop Scotland 11 / 32 United Kingdom Swiss Finished
Aug 17
Worldcry UK Presents: The Eight Trials - Glasgow 6 / 16 United Kingdom Swiss Finished
Aug 10
Worldcry UK Presents: The Eight Trials - Edinburgh 12 / 16 United Kingdom Swiss Finished

Tournaments participated in

When Name Status Played faction Placement
Sep 5
1 YEAR ANNIVESARY TTS COMP LEAGUE In progress Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber --
Aug 17
Worldcry UK Presents: The Eight Trials - Glasgow Finished Jade Obelisk 6th
Aug 10
Worldcry UK Presents: The Eight Trials - Edinburgh Finished Jade Obelisk 9th
Jun 6
June TTS COMP Finished Stormcast Eternals Warrior Chamber 15th
May 2
MAY TTS COMPETITIVE Finished Order of Azyr 23rd